
Welcome to my blog, A Portuguese Actuary. I hope you enjoy reading what I have to say!

Vitor Chagas https://vchagas69.github.io

Being this the first post, it would be the perfect place to state what I intend to accomplish with the blog.

The idea was to have a place where I could document my findings regarding literature, techniques and software that could simplify (my) work as an actuary.

Hopefully it will be helpful for someone else (than me) and I apologize for my English :)

Note: I’m compiling and translating from Portuguese some posts from my other blogs.


For attribution, please cite this work as

Chagas (2009, Aug. 1). A Portuguese Actuary: Welcome. Retrieved from http://vchagas69.github.io/posts/2009-08-01-welcome/

BibTeX citation

  author = {Chagas, Vitor},
  title = {A Portuguese Actuary: Welcome},
  url = {http://vchagas69.github.io/posts/2009-08-01-welcome/},
  year = {2009}